Legal notice
Legal information
Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg GmbH (RVF)
Besançonallee 99
D-79111 Freiburg
Telephone: 0761 20 72 80
Fax: 0761 20 72 810
Intention of the pages
The content on is intended to provide information about the tariffs of the Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg (RVF) and information about current transport connections in the network area. The RVF is the contact for fares in the network of 15 operating transport companies.
All fares, descriptions and information have been compiled and written down with the utmost care, but correctness or freedom from errors cannot be guaranteed under any circumstances. Only the fare regulations in the latest version are legally valid.
This website refers to trademarks that are not explicitly identified as such. Therefore, the absence of a label does not imply that a name is free of third-party rights.
The copyright of the pages lies with RVF Regio-Verkehrsverbund, Freiburg. All rights reserved. The commercial or industrial use and reprinting, even in extracts, of the information and materials on the pages is only permitted with the written consent of the author. The use of texts and images for auctions, online auctions, sales texts and classified advertisements also requires written permission from the author.
Responsible for the editorial content
Jörg Vathauer, RVF GmbH
Marketing & Kommunikation
Besanconallee 99
79111 Freiburg
Managing Directors
Simone Stahl, Timm Anders
Office management
Thilo Ganter
Deputy branch manager
Clemens Schiel
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Mayor Martin W. W. Horn
Registered office: Freiburg im Breisgau
Register court Freiburg HRB 4645
Tax number: 06450-41056
Design and implementation
Concept and design: bemerkt gestaltung+kommunikation
Technical implementation / support: robinson2